You will find details below of organised events for the next few months - keep an eye on this page though as new events are added regularly!
If you are interested in any of the activities and events listed, give us a call or, where their details are shown, give the organisers a call or an e-mail.
If you would like to enquire about Clan Macquarrie as a venue for activities you'd like to run yourself, please do give us a call or e-mail to discuss how we can support you.
Upcoming Events for 2024
March 2024​
Tues 26th - Thig a Chluich/Come and Play for 0-3 year olds - 1.30pm-3pm
Thurs 28th - Flower Arranging with Maybury Gardens- 11am - 12.30pm ***Sunnd***
Thurs 28th - QiGong with Louise (Stress Monkey Solutions) - 5.30pm-6.30pm
Fri 29th - Cookery Demonstration - 7pm - 9pm ***Sunnd***
Sat 30th - Ceilidh Dance- 8-11pm ***Sunnd***
*** For "Sunnd" events, book via Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn website or tel 01851 850393***
April 2024
Mon 1st - "Ploigh" - Bumblebee Conservation at the Garden - 2pm -4pm​
Wed 3rd/10th/17th/24th - Move More (Gentle Movement) - Noon-1pm
Wed 3rd - "Ploigh" - Baking & Crafts with CnaG - 2pm-4pm
Thurs 4th- Young at Heart Club - 1.30pm - 4pm
Thurs 4th - QiGong with Louise (Stress Monkey Solutions) - 5.30pm-6.30pm
Fri 5th - Niseach Chef Pop-up takeaway Day 1 - evening
Sat 6th- Craft & Produce Fair - 10am - 3.30pm
Fri 5th - Niseach Chef Pop-up takeaway Day 2 - evening
Tues 23rd - Thig a Chluich/Come and Play for 0-3 year olds - 1.30pm-3pm
*** For "Ploigh" events, book via Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn website or tel 01851 850393***